Archive for September, 2011

Learning To Know

Posted: September 27, 2011 in Uncategorized
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    Imagine running 2700 km and back just to hook up with another class. That’s why we are using technology instead. We are a small school in Wingham, Ontario, and we are connecting with a small school in Snow Lake, Manitoba. But we are doing big things! Our first assignment was to create a chart of our personality and interests, and now, we are getting the scoop on each other…

    One thing that we all had in common with each other was that we all have favourite hobbies to do after school is out, whether it be playing video games, hanging out with friends or just plain taking a nap! Some people with favourite after-school hobbies are Eddy, Dylan, Sully and a whole lot of others!

    Something that most of us have are nicknames. Whether they’re cool or embarrassing, most of us have them (personally, my favourite is William’s “The Wilster”). Some of us with nicknames are Noah, William, Jacob, Zachary, and more.

    Something that very few of us do is play the piano. It’s a tricky skill, and I’m proud to say that I’m one of the people who know how to do it! I’m encouraging other people to give it a try. The couple people who know how are Shelby, Ethan (used to), Erin, and Mercedes.

   Something that is unique about me is that I’m the only one who put down the fact that I like the Indiana Jones series. I mean, it’s amazing and everything. I don’t know who wouldn’t like it! Oh well. They’re missing out.

Michael Heilemann

    The one person who is most like me from the other school (Snow Lake) is defiantly Riley. Want proof? We both have pet cats, we both like COD, we both like to hang out with friends and we both want to go to the Bahamas. We also like to watch hockey and play numerous sports, read graphic novels and comics, and given the chance, we’d both wish for more wishes. Whew! Believe me now?

    Even though we’ve had this chance to get to know each other, I still have some questions. Here’s my biggest one. Because our classes worked together last year, I wonder if we’ll be moving in a faster pace? Only time will tell!

An Epic Summer

Posted: September 15, 2011 in Uncategorized
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This summer I had the BEST meal at a restaurant we went to in London. I don’t remember the name of it, but anyways…
I had ordered fresh Atlantic salmon. I was expecting a little piece of fish with some fries, but it was massive and tasty! Plus, they served a mean dish of Sherbet too!

A nice Salmon Dinner by &y

One thing I bought this summer was a screwdriver. Yes, I said a screwdriver. See, at the time I was playing my DS when it happened. It went glitchy and then crashed. Now it won’t turn on. So I bought a screwdriver to open it up and fix it. You may be thinking, “Why don’t you use a screwdriver you have?” Well, the fine people at Nintendo decided to make their own screws that could only be opened with a tr-wing screwdriver they only made. To make matters worse, I had just bought a game the week before that I can’t play now (and when I received said screwdriver, I realized I didn’t know how to fix it because online tutorials assumed I’d be able to do everything they wanted me to)!

A Tri-Wing Screwdriver by Pyrii    

One word that can sum up my summer in is “Woah!” I can prove it too. First, I went to Wonderland and rode the Behemoth. Woah! Secondly, I went to a Blue Jay’s game where the Blue Jays blew away the Mariners. Woah! Thirdly, I went to a church camp known as Braeside Camp in Paris, On. It was so awesome being there, the youth services were awesome! There were a lot of other things to do there, too. You could take a dip in the pool, pig out at the Tuck shop or do some biking galore! Now you know how, “Woah” sums up my Summer!

Drawing by Me!

Some questions I have for you are:

Mrs. D has obviously done a lot this Summer. What did she do in the spare time that she had?
Mrs. D did a lot of very cool things at her Education Conference. I wonder what her favourite part of the Education Conference was?